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contoh kalimat cut into

"cut into" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I had not cut into any of Dim's main cables.
    Aku tak memutuskan urat nadi Dim.
  • Those swimming breaks really cut into the day, don't they?
    Berenang telah membuat kalian ketinggalan, ya?
  • If we can find it, we can cut into it.
    Jika kutemukan jalurnya, kita bisa menghubungkannya.
  • What if another swimmer had cut into your lane?
    Bagaimana kalau perenang lain berenang di depanmu?
  • Deep gullies were cut into the frozen water landscape.
    Deep selokan dipotong ke lanskap air beku.
    Dan kau ingin memotong waktu liburanku..,..
  • They've cut into all our other secure lines of communication.
    Mereka mematikan semua saluran aman kami.
  • I need boiling water and towels cut into strips.
    Aku perlu air mendidih dan potongan handuk.
  • Hey, don't cut into adult's conversation!
    Hei, orang dewasa sedang bicara anak muda kenapa ikut campur?
  • It was rejected and never cut into type.
    Itu ditolak dan tidak pernah dipotong menjadi fon.
  • Operator, I want to cut into a phone call.
    Operator, aku ingin memotong panggilan telepon.
  • I'm sorry to cut into your busy social schedule.
    Ibu minta maaf sudah menyita jadwal bakti sosialmu.
  • I'm not cutting into your precious drinking time, am I?
    Aku tidak mengambil waktu minum berhargamu, kan?
  • We could cut into the atrium a little bit.
    Kita bisa memotong ke atrium sedikit.
  • You don't want to cut into those curls.
    Kamu tidak mau memotong menjadi keriting itu.
  • Do you feel the straps cutting into your shoulders?
    Kau merasa beban ranselnya menyakiti bahumu?
  • "This earth cuts into pieces when there are distributions."
    "Bumi ini terpecah saat ada pembagian."
  • Needs to remind himself which limb he's cutting into.
    Perlu mengingatkan dirinya organ mana yang dia bedah.
  • They have his body cut into pieces before they burned .
    Tubuhnya dipotong kemudian dibakar
  • I'm sorry we cut into your honeymoon, Golov.
    Aku menyesal kita memotong dalam bulan madu Anda, Golov.
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